Okay, I have not been one to blog, let alone write. But with the advent of Facebook, Twitter™, and the like, I figured, why not? We'll just see how it goes. Maybe if I write my findings here, I might be able to help somebody find problems in their own home. Hey, it could happen! Then again, maybe I will just waste more time at the computer. But hey, this is better than sitting on the couch watching TV, at least this is constructive and helpful. I mean, if I put all of the problems I find inspecting homes on a day to day basis, maybe people won't need home inspectors anymore (not likely). I was thinking of keeping it entertaining too, like telling stories of funny things that have happened to me during an inspection, or funny things that past clients have said, maybe not the latter, I might hurt some feelings unbeknownst to me. At any rate this is my first post, so there you go.
Like I said, we'll see.